Sedona Method® Coaching       

Immersion in the Self     

Special 3-hour Mini-Retreat

Come join us for a special 3-hour mini-retreat during which you will experience an immersion in the Self - what Lester called the greatest happiness.

The limited, conditioned 'I' of any experience is the linchpin of all limitation and suffering. Once that drops away, suffering  dissolves.

Many teachers make Self awareness seem elusive and hard to achieve. Some state that you have to overcome, outsmart or even destroy the ego and the mind to realize your Self. This is completely untrue.

Knowing yourself is not difficult, advanced or esoteric. Nothing is simpler for you than you!  I've created this teleseminar to clear up confusion about this topic and to show you how easy it is to drop into your own silent Being and simply be present.

I've found this approach to be highly effective at eliminating patterns, beliefs, pain, habits and feelings. In fact, it's a really easy and delightful way to let go.

As always, there will be plenty of group releases and time for sharing an receiving one-on-one assistance.

Can't make the mini-retreat live? Not to worry - It will be recorded and available to download.


The Mini-Retreat took place on August 25, 2023. But not to worry, you can sign up for a 'late registration' and receive the recordings.

Cost: $79 - Register Now

I found the workshop allowed me  many revelations and overall the whole was inspiring and touching.  As a result I got clearer for the first time (to my surprise)  about how the fifth way truly intermeshes with releasing and how to facilitate this process in others as a coach.

Marlys Mayfield,

Certified Sedona Method Coach

This was probably the most valuable 2 hours I have spent ever.

Leslie Wildesen

Sedona Method Founder

Lester Levenson